Try ErWin 3.52 from LogicWorks. OR, DBArtisan from Embarcadero technologies. You may want to evaluate them for your use before buying them. The version number is important as ErWin 3.51 cannot recognize a SQL 6.5 database, only 3.52 can.

llyal at 9/12/00 6:02:28 PM

Need Recommendation on Tool for SQL Server Development

I have inherited a SQL Server 7 database (actually a SQL Server 6.5 database running on SQL 7 in compatibility mode) with 1000s of objects with triggers and stored procedures with zero documentation; i need to make major changes to this database; are there any tools available that will allow me to quickly search through the database objects and code (like stored procedures, etc) for keywords and other useful criteria? Do you recommend any SQL Server specific tools that will help me learn this database in the shortest amount of time?

Thank you!
