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Thread: scripts....

  1. #1
    VENU Guest



    I have a production server and a development server in different Domains..
    Can we write a script or schedule a job which updates my development server of all the latest modifications on the production server ...

    Thanks In advance

  2. #2
    Kurt Shull Guest

    scripts.... (reply)

    Do you mean "the latest modifcations on the development server"? Anyway, yes you can do it. But you'll have to somehow check what's changed and script out only this changes.

    If you have VSS you can do a "diff" between to build script of different SQL servers and check to differences that way. It helps but it isn't fool-proof. The best was is to make sure that the developer's keep track of the changes that have been made to the development database.

    VENU at 7/15/00 3:46:08 PM


    I have a production server and a development server in different Domains..
    Can we write a script or schedule a job which updates my development server of all the latest modifications on the production server ...

    Thanks In advance

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