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Thread: select statement

  1. #1
    BJ Guest

    select statement

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  2. #2
    Karl Guest

    select statement (reply)

    Try this,

    select @sort_num = max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000.

    The above statement will pass the value of max(sortnum) into your parameter @sort_num.

    I'm not sure what you are trying to do with the next statement though:
    "exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum"

    If what you're trying to do is pass the value of @result_sortnum into @sort_num, try the following:

    SET @sort_num = @result_sortnum.

    Hope that helps a bit.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  3. #3
    Anu Guest

    select statement (reply)


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  4. #4

    select statement (reply)

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  5. #5
    Todd Guest

    select statement (reply)

    I am not sure what you are trying to do, but I think this might be it.

    create table test_table(
    mpmark_num smallint,
    mpmark_chainage numeric,
    mpmark_desc varchar(1000))

    INSERT test_table
    select mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc
    from geo_lineobj A
    JOIN (select pipeid ,Max(sortorder)as "SortOrder"
    from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid) AS B
    ON A.Pipeid = B.Pipeid and
    A.Sortorder = B.Sortorder

    at 7/6/01 10:14:22 AM

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  6. #6

    select statement (reply)

    Hey Todd,
    When I run your select statement I'm getting an error some thing like this:

    An ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, derived tables, and subqueries unless TOP is also specified.
    Thank you for all your help!!
    Todd at 7/6/01 10:56:38 AM

    I am not sure what you are trying to do, but I think this might be it.

    create table test_table(
    mpmark_num smallint,
    mpmark_chainage numeric,
    mpmark_desc varchar(1000))

    INSERT test_table
    select mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc
    from geo_lineobj A
    JOIN (select pipeid ,Max(sortorder)as "SortOrder"
    from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid) AS B
    ON A.Pipeid = B.Pipeid and
    A.Sortorder = B.Sortorder

    at 7/6/01 10:14:22 AM

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  7. #7
    Anu Guest

    select statement (reply)

    Here you go,

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='geo_check_pipeid&#39
    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='test_table&#39
    drop table test_table
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    set nocount on
    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor
    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid

    open retrive_pipeid_crsr

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    while @@fetch_status = 0

    set @max_sortorder = (select max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid)
    select @max_sortorder

    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid

    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) select @new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    select * from test_table

    Please let me know if you any problem with this.


    at 7/6/01 10:14:22 AM

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  8. #8

    select statement (reply)

    Hi Anu,
    I think what you have send me is working but (I need to check for sure) at the moment I cannot access the sql server so I have to try it a bit later. Thank you so much for your help!! Do you get paid for all this? Your response time is so quick!! THANK YOU!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 1:04:40 PM

    Here you go,

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='geo_check_pipeid&#39
    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='test_table&#39
    drop table test_table
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    set nocount on
    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor
    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid

    open retrive_pipeid_crsr

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    while @@fetch_status = 0

    set @max_sortorder = (select max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid)
    select @max_sortorder

    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid

    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) select @new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    select * from test_table

    Please let me know if you any problem with this.


    at 7/6/01 10:14:22 AM

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

  9. #9
    Anu Guest

    select statement (reply)

    Oh Yes,

    I am paid like Bill Gates hahahaha LOL

    - Anu

    at 7/6/01 1:53:34 PM

    Hi Anu,
    I think what you have send me is working but (I need to check for sure) at the moment I cannot access the sql server so I have to try it a bit later. Thank you so much for your help!! Do you get paid for all this? Your response time is so quick!! THANK YOU!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 1:04:40 PM

    Here you go,

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='geo_check_pipeid&#39
    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid

    if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='test_table&#39
    drop table test_table
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    set nocount on
    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor
    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid

    open retrive_pipeid_crsr

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    while @@fetch_status = 0

    set @max_sortorder = (select max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid)
    select @max_sortorder

    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid

    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) select @new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc

    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    select * from test_table

    Please let me know if you any problem with this.


    at 7/6/01 10:14:22 AM

    Hi Anu,
    The problem I had before has been resolved. Now I have another problem.
    This is my code that I'm working on:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_check_MpMark_Values]

    drop table geo_check_pipeid
    drop table test_table
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    create table test_table(mpmark_num smallint, mpmark_chainage numeric, mpmark_desc varchar(1000))
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'
    select distinct pipeid into geo_check_pipeid from geo_lineobj
    order by pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:20'

    declare @max_sortorder int
    declare @new_chainage numeric
    declare @new_desc varchar(1000)
    declare @new_num smallint
    declare @geo_pipeid int

    declare retrive_pipeid_crsr cursor

    select pipeid from geo_check_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'
    open retrive_pipeid_crsr
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    fetch next from retrive_pipeid_crsr into @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:20'

    select @max_sortorder = max(sortorder) from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:01:30'
    select @new_num = mpmark_num, @new_chainage = mpmark_chainage, @new_desc = mpmark_desc from geo_lineobj where pipeid = @geo_pipeid
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'
    insert into test_table (mpmark_num, mpmark_chainage, mpmark_desc) values (@new_num, @new_chainage, @new_desc)
    waitfor delay '00:02:30'

    close retrive_pipeid_crsr

    deallocate retrive_pipeid_crsr

    I need to select three column from geo_lineobj based on distinct pipeid and max sortorder columns. Then I want to populate the table(test_table) with the values from geo_lineobj. I am having trouble with populating the test_table because the sql server is not taking the time to get all the information. I put a timer on my select statements, still its not working properly.
    Can you give my any solution to this problem
    Thank you again, I greatly appreciate your help!!

    Anu at 7/6/01 10:04:18 AM


    Can you send the full query that you are trying to do.
    I will give you a solution.


    BJ at 7/5/01 2:19:21 PM

    Hi all,
    I just need to find out when we have a select statement in a procudure is it possible to store the outcome into a variable?
    for example:
    select @sort_num = 'select max(sortnum) from table1 where pipeid = 1000 '
    exec @sort_num = @result_sortnum ->This statement is not working for me but I dont know anyother way to store the outcome into a variable

    The sortnum is an interger datatype. So when I get the Max of sortnum the value would have to be an int.
    Please help, any sort of suggestions will be of help!!
    Thank you so much!!

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