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Thread: plz Help - EM hangs

  1. #1
    Ann Guest

    plz Help - EM hangs

    I posted a message about this yesterday but I have more info..

    I have a server (SQL 7.0, sp2) that anywhere I connect to it through EM the EM hangs. I can drill down into the server and even get into the Security drop down but if I hit Databases to drill down or Management etc. It hangs.

    I did profiler on this and another server. When I click the + by the Database folder I hang and get
    "TSQL:Batch Starting: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'"
    but never get a "TSQL:BatchCompleted" for that statement. (Where other working servers I do get the set of both start and completed)

    Drilling into the Security tab runs the query: exec sp_MSDBUserpriv... etc.) and this one works..

    Anyone have any info on: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'

    I can't find anything in BOL, Microsoft KB, Technet etc.. Please Help as there are certain things I can't do without EM... THANKS!!!

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    plz Help - EM hangs (reply)

    Well, no official information on sp_MSdbuseraccess (MS means MS)
    On a server where you have correct/rapid access
    go to the Master database,
    then the stored proc.
    then find sp_MSdbuseraccess ,
    then open it and read.

    This proc. looks at the databse status ...


    Ann at 6/26/01 12:22:56 PM

    I posted a message about this yesterday but I have more info..

    I have a server (SQL 7.0, sp2) that anywhere I connect to it through EM the EM hangs. I can drill down into the server and even get into the Security drop down but if I hit Databases to drill down or Management etc. It hangs.

    I did profiler on this and another server. When I click the + by the Database folder I hang and get
    "TSQL:Batch Starting: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'"
    but never get a "TSQL:BatchCompleted" for that statement. (Where other working servers I do get the set of both start and completed)

    Drilling into the Security tab runs the query: exec sp_MSDBUserpriv... etc.) and this one works..

    Anyone have any info on: exec sp_MSdbuseraccess N'db', N'%'

    I can't find anything in BOL, Microsoft KB, Technet etc.. Please Help as there are certain things I can't do without EM... THANKS!!!

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