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Thread: BCP Vague error

  1. #1
    kumar Guest

    BCP Vague error

    System info:
    Windows 2000 enterprise edition
    Sql 2000 enterprise edition.
    I am trying to run 'bcp' using 'xp_cmdshell' in query analyser, it gives an error ..
    "BCP" is not a recognized internal or external command.
    Then I checked using command line commands like dir, ipconfig, they all work fine.
    But when I checked the xp_cmdshell 'Path', output is null.
    I verified BCP is fine by running directly using DOS.
    Rebooted system, but the result is same.
    If any of you have solution to this problem, let me know
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Andraax Guest

    BCP Vague error (reply)

    Make sure to enter the entire path to the BCP.EXE file. Should work then.

    kumar at 8/30/01 2:25:07 PM

    System info:
    Windows 2000 enterprise edition
    Sql 2000 enterprise edition.
    I am trying to run 'bcp' using 'xp_cmdshell' in query analyser, it gives an error ..
    "BCP" is not a recognized internal or external command.
    Then I checked using command line commands like dir, ipconfig, they all work fine.
    But when I checked the xp_cmdshell 'Path', output is null.
    I verified BCP is fine by running directly using DOS.
    Rebooted system, but the result is same.
    If any of you have solution to this problem, let me know
    Thanks in advance.

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