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Thread: Estimating the size of a DB from a physical design

  1. #1
    Amelia Mariotti Guest

    Estimating the size of a DB from a physical design

    Can someone recommend an application that produces an estimate of the size of a database from column definitions and
    estimated number of rows in each table? -- Thanks

  2. #2

    Estimating the size of a DB from a physical design (reply)

    On 1/5/99 2:11:06 PM, Amelia Mariotti wrote:
    > Can someone recommend an application that produces an estimate of the size
    > of a database from column definitions and
    estimated number of rows in each
    > table? -- Thanks

    Try this stored procedure. I don't know where it originated

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_estspace
    /* A procedure to estimate the disk space requirements of a table
    ** and its associated indexes.
    ** Written by Malcolm Colton
    ** Modifications by Hal Spitz, Jim Panttaja
    (@table_name varchar(30)=null, /* name of table to estimate */
    @no_of_rows float = 1, /* number of rows in the table */
    @fill_factor float = 0, /* the fill factor */
    @cols_to_max varchar(255) =null /* variable length columns for which
    to use the maximum rather than 50% of
    the maximum length */
    declare @msg varchar(120)
    /* Give usage statement if @table_name is null */
    If @table_name = null or @no_of_rows = 1
    print 'Usage is:'
    print 'sp_estspace table_name, no_of_rows, fill_factor, cols_to_max'
    print 'where table_name is the name of the table,'
    print ' no_of_rows is the number of rows in the table,'
    print ' fill_factor is the index fill factor (default = 0) '
    print ' cols_to_max is a list of the variable length columns for which'
    print ' to use the maximum length instead of the average'
    print ' (default = null)'
    print 'Examples: sp_estspace titles, 10000, 50, "title, notes"'
    print ' sp_estspace titles, 50000'
    print ' sp_estspace titles, 50000, 0, null, 40'
    declare @sum_fixed int,
    @sum_var int,
    @sum_avgvar int,
    @table_id int,
    @num_var int,
    @data_pages float,
    @sysstat tinyint,
    @temp float,
    @index_id int,
    @last_id int,
    @i int,
    @indlevel_pages float,
    @key varchar(30),
    @usertype tinyint,
    @type tinyint,
    @indlevel tinyint,
    @vartype smallint,
    @more bit,
    @next_indlevel float,
    @rows_per_page smallint,
    @row_len smallint,
    @length tinyint,
    @index_name varchar(30),
    @page_size smallint,
    @page_K tinyint,
    @index_type varchar(20),
    @factor float
    select @sum_fixed=0,
    set nocount on
    /* Make sure table exists */
    select @sysstat = sysstat,
    @table_id = id
    from sysobjects where name = @table_name
    and uid = user_id()
    if @sysstat & 7 not in (1,3)
    select @msg = "The "+@table_name +" table does not exist."
    print @msg
    /* Get machine page size */
    select @page_size = low - 32
    from master.dbo.spt_values
    where type = 'E'
    and number = 1
    select @page_K = (@page_size +32) /1024
    select @fill_factor = @fill_factor / 100.0
    /* Create tables for results */
    create table #results
    (name varchar(30),
    type varchar(12),
    indlevel tinyint,
    pages float,
    Kbytes float)
    /* Create table of column info for the table to be estimated */
    select length, type, name, offset
    into #col_table
    from syscolumns
    where id = @table_id
    /* Look up the important values from this table */
    select @sum_fixed = isnull(sum(length),0)
    from #col_table
    where offset !< 0
    select @num_var = isnull(count(*),0), @sum_var = isnull(sum(length),0)
    from #col_table
    where offset < 0
    and charindex(name, @cols_to_max) > 0
    select @num_var = @num_var + isnull(count(*),0),
    @sum_avgvar = isnull(sum(length / 2),0)
    from #col_table
    where offset < 0
    and charindex(name, @cols_to_max) = 0
    /* Calculate the data page requirements */
    if @num_var = 0
    select @row_len = 4.0 + @sum_fixed
    select @row_len = 8.0 + @sum_fixed + @sum_var +@sum_avgvar + @num_var
    + (@sum_var +@sum_avgvar) / 256.0
    /* Allow for fill-factor if set to other than zero */
    if @fill_factor = 0
    select @temp = convert(float, @no_of_rows) *
    ( convert(float, @row_len) / convert(float, @page_size) )
    select @temp = convert(float, @no_of_rows) /
    (convert(float, @page_size) * convert(float, @fill_factor) )
    select @temp = convert(float, @row_len) * @temp
    /* Now add in allocation pages */
    select @temp = @temp +(@temp / 256.0)
    select @data_pages = @temp + 1.0
    if @data_pages < 8.0
    select @data_pages = 8.0
    insert #results values
    (@table_name, &#39;data&#39;, 0, @data_pages, @data_pages * @page_K)
    /* See if the table has any indexes */
    select @index_id = min(indid)
    from sysindexes
    where id = @table_id
    and indid > 0
    if @index_id = null /* We&#39;ve finished if there are no indexes */
    select @msg = @table_name + &#39; has no indexes&#39;
    print @msg
    select name, type, indlevel,
    Pages = str(pages,12,0), Kbytes = str(Kbytes,12,0)
    from #results
    select Total_Mbytes = str(sum(Kbytes)/1000.0,15,0)
    from #results
    drop table #results
    select @sum_fixed = 0,
    @sum_var = 0,
    @num_var = 0,
    @temp = 0
    /* For each index, calculate the important variables
    ** use them to calculate the index size, and print it */
    while @index_id != null
    select @index_name = name
    from sysindexes
    where id = @table_id
    and indid = @index_id
    and indid < 255
    if @index_id = 1
    select @index_type = &#39;clustered&#39;
    select @index_type = &#39;nonclustered&#39;
    select @num_var = 0,
    @sum_var = 0,
    @sum_fixed = 0
    select @i = 1
    /* Look up each of the key fields for the index */
    while @i <= 16
    select @key = index_col(@table_name, @index_id, @i)
    if @key = null
    else /* Process one key field */
    select @type = type, @length = length, @vartype = offset
    from syscolumns
    where id = @table_id
    and name = @key
    if @vartype < 0
    select @num_var = @num_var + 1
    select @sum_fixed = @sum_fixed + @length
    if @vartype < 0 /* variable:check if in @cols_to_max */
    if charindex(@key, @cols_to_max) = 0
    select @sum_var = @sum_var + (@length / 2)
    select @sum_var = @sum_var + @length
    select @i = @i + 1 /* Get next key field in this index */
    /* Calculate the space used by this index */
    if @num_var = 0
    select @row_len = 5 + @sum_fixed
    select @row_len = @sum_fixed + @sum_var + @num_var + 8
    if @index_id != 1 /* add row id for nc indexes */
    select @row_len = @row_len + 4
    select @indlevel = 0
    /* Allow for fill-factor if set to other than zero */
    if @fill_factor = 0
    select @rows_per_page = @page_size / @row_len - 2
    select @rows_per_page = @page_size / @row_len * @fill_factor
    if @rows_per_page > 256
    select @rows_per_page = 256
    /* For clustered indexes, the first indlevel of index is based on the
    ** number of data pages.
    ** For nonclustered, it is the number of data rows */
    if @index_id = 1
    select @next_indlevel = @data_pages
    select @next_indlevel = @no_of_rows
    select @more = 1 /* Flag for end of index indlevels */
    while @more = 1
    /* calculate the number of pages at a single index indlevel */
    select @temp = @next_indlevel / convert(float, @rows_per_page)
    /* Add in a factor for allocation pages */
    if @temp > 200.0
    select @temp = @temp + (@temp /256.0) + 1.0
    select @indlevel_pages = @temp
    insert #results values
    (@index_name, @index_type, @indlevel, @indlevel_pages,
    @indlevel_pages * @page_K)
    if @index_id != 1 and @indlevel = 0 /* adjust NC non-leaf rows */
    select @row_len = @row_len + 4
    /* Allow for fill-factor if set to other than zero */
    if @fill_factor = 0
    select @rows_per_page = @page_size/@row_len - 2
    select @rows_per_page = @page_size/@row_len*@fill_factor
    if @rows_per_page > 256
    select @rows_per_page = 256
    select @next_indlevel = @indlevel_pages
    select @indlevel = @indlevel + 1
    /* see if we can fit the next indlevel in 1 page */
    if @rows_per_page >= @next_indlevel
    select @more = 0
    /* Account for single root page */
    if @indlevel_pages > 1
    insert #results values
    (@index_name, @index_type, @indlevel, 1, @page_K)
    /* Now look for next index id for this table */
    select @last_id = @index_id
    select @index_id = null
    select @index_id = min(indid)
    from sysindexes
    where id = @table_id
    and indid > @last_id
    and indid < 255
    select name, type, indlevel, Pages = str(pages,12,0), Kbytes = str(Kbytes,12,0)
    from #results
    select Total_Mbytes = str(sum(Kbytes)/1000.0,15,0)
    from #results
    drop table #results
    drop table #col_table

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