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Thread: Sqlmail problem

  1. #1
    Armando Marrero Guest

    Sqlmail problem

    Hi all.

    I'm having problems with sqlmail. SOMETIME when I try to send a message the server replies "Could not find the function xp_sendMail in sqlmap60.dll". or ISQW don't finish the query never.

    Sqlmail is running. I'm using Outlook express as a simple mapi client.

    Sorry my english.

    Any help will be appreciate a lot.

    Thanks in advance.

    Armando Marrero

  2. #2
    Rick Guest

    Sqlmail problem (reply)

    Hey Armando,
    When you call the the xp_sendmail function, do you specify master.dbo.xp_sendmail, cuz when you are in ISQL and under any database except master you need to specify 'master.dbo.xp_send...'
    It sounds as if you are running the @query attribute. Just to test your system by sending a hardcoded message to your email box.

    I hope this helps.


    On 12/28/98 12:02:19 PM, Armando Marrero wrote:
    > Hi all.

    I'm having problems with sqlmail. SOMETIME when I try to
    > send a message the server replies "Could not find the function
    > xp_sendMail in sqlmap60.dll". or ISQW don't finish the query
    > never.

    Sqlmail is running. I'm using Outlook express as a simple
    > mapi client.

    Sorry my english.

    Any help will be appreciate a
    > lot.

    Thanks in advance.

    Armando Marrero

  3. #3
    Armando Marrero Guest

    Sqlmail problem (reply)

    Hello Rick.

    I specify 'master.dbo.xp_send...' and the problem persist. I'm trying to send a simple message to my email box.

    Any help will be appreciate a lot.



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