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Thread: Stored Procedure behavior

  1. #1
    Bob Lane Guest

    Stored Procedure behavior

    I have a stored procedure that does a lookup on a particular field. Sometimes it runs almost instantly and other times it drags. Running the proc through ISQL it will come back with less than 10 logical reads and other times it comes back with over 800,000 logical reads. This only happens on our production box(of course). Anybody seen anything like this? Thanks

  2. #2
    Gregory Guest

    Stored Procedure behavior (reply)

    maybe, sometimes it's in cache, and sometimes it's not, so SQL Server needs to get data from disk first (that's why you see logical reads from cache and physical reads when disk was accessed)....

    use 'set showplan on' to see description of query processing plan

    Bob Lane at 6/4/99 9:26:52 AM

    I have a stored procedure that does a lookup on a particular field. Sometimes it runs almost instantly and other times it drags. Running the proc through ISQL it will come back with less than 10 logical reads and other times it comes back with over 800,000 logical reads. This only happens on our production box(of course). Anybody seen anything like this? Thanks

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