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Thread: Removing SQL 6.5 Software

  1. #1
    Daimon Russell Guest

    Removing SQL 6.5 Software

    Dear Concerned DBAs,

    I am wanting to pick someones brain and find out if there is anything I can do to successfully remove and reinstall SQL Server Version 6.5? I have already removed the software from the SQL Setup icon in ProgramsMSSQL Server 6.5 and went and removed the setup.exe and mssql files associated with the software from the server. Now when I attempt to reinstall the software back onto the server after a hard reboot, I do not get the option once the SQL Server Version 6.5 disk is placed into the CD-Rom to install SQL Server. The only options I get are upgrade, server configurations, etc.

    Can anyone or everyone give me a hand as to where to take this dilemma other than rebuilding the server from the ground up?

    Anticipatorily Yours,
    Daimon Russell

  2. #2
    Jack Merry Guest

    Removing SQL 6.5 Software (reply)

    Hi Daimon
    Your uninstall failed to remove notations of SQL from your registry. You will have to startup "REGEDID32.exe" and remove instances of MSSQLServer and SQLEXECUTIVE from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE directories in your registry. Yes, do be careful.
    I think Microsoft has something regarding this problem in the KnowledgeBase.

    Sorry - But have a nice weekend anyway :-).


    Daimon Russell at 5/28/99 2:30:35 PM
    Dear Concerned DBAs,

    I am wanting to pick someones brain and find out if there is anything I can do to successfully remove and reinstall SQL Server Version 6.5? I have already removed the software from the SQL Setup icon in ProgramsMSSQL Server 6.5 and went and removed the setup.exe and mssql files associated with the software from the server. Now when I attempt to reinstall the software back onto the server after a hard reboot, I do not get the option once the SQL Server Version 6.5 disk is placed into the CD-Rom to install SQL Server. The only options I get are upgrade, server configurations, etc.

    Can anyone or everyone give me a hand as to where to take this dilemma other than rebuilding the server from the ground up?

    Anticipatorily Yours,
    Daimon Russell

  3. #3
    Jack Merry Guest

    Removing SQL 6.5 Software (reply)


    I knew MS had this info somewhere. I will save me having to type it all out.
    Point your browser at this -



    Daimon Russell at 5/28/99 2:30:35 PM

    Dear Concerned DBAs,

    I am wanting to pick someones brain and find out if there is anything I can do to successfully remove and reinstall SQL Server Version 6.5? I have already removed the software from the SQL Setup icon in ProgramsMSSQL Server 6.5 and went and removed the setup.exe and mssql files associated with the software from the server. Now when I attempt to reinstall the software back onto the server after a hard reboot, I do not get the option once the SQL Server Version 6.5 disk is placed into the CD-Rom to install SQL Server. The only options I get are upgrade, server configurations, etc.

    Can anyone or everyone give me a hand as to where to take this dilemma other than rebuilding the server from the ground up?

    Anticipatorily Yours,
    Daimon Russell

  4. #4
    Daimon Russell Guest

    Removing SQL 6.5 Software (reply)

    Thanks for your help Jack!

    Daimon Russell

    Jack Merry at 5/28/99 9:51:59 PM


    I knew MS had this info somewhere. I will save me having to type it all out.
    Point your browser at this -



    Daimon Russell at 5/28/99 2:30:35 PM

    Dear Concerned DBAs,

    I am wanting to pick someones brain and find out if there is anything I can do to successfully remove and reinstall SQL Server Version 6.5? I have already removed the software from the SQL Setup icon in ProgramsMSSQL Server 6.5 and went and removed the setup.exe and mssql files associated with the software from the server. Now when I attempt to reinstall the software back onto the server after a hard reboot, I do not get the option once the SQL Server Version 6.5 disk is placed into the CD-Rom to install SQL Server. The only options I get are upgrade, server configurations, etc.

    Can anyone or everyone give me a hand as to where to take this dilemma other than rebuilding the server from the ground up?

    Anticipatorily Yours,
    Daimon Russell

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