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Thread: Automatic Foreign key update

  1. #1
    grigio Guest

    Automatic Foreign key update

    Hello to everyone:

    Aside from using a trigger to automatically update a Foreign key,
    is there a way you can automatically update a Foreign key when you
    update its corresponding Primary key using the select statement?


  2. #2
    Marcelo Melo Guest

    Automatic Foreign key update (reply)

    AS long as I know, SQL Server 6.5 does not implement updates on foreign keys. There should be for sure an implementation that would delete the corresponding foreign keys when you delete the primary key (there isn´t, you have to use triggers), but I´m not quite sure if updating a primary key is a good idea, isn´t there a workaround for you, do you really have to update it? and how about creating a sequential field as a primary key?

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