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Thread: MS Access Append Query to SQL Table Problem

  1. #1
    Dan Spieth Guest

    MS Access Append Query to SQL Table Problem

    Any known problems with using an Access Append query to add data to an SQL table?

  2. #2
    Martin Topping Guest

    MS Access Append Query to SQL Table Problem (reply)

    On 9/22/98 5:12:59 PM, Anthony B. Kenitzki wrote:

    I`ve done this before - it should work fine for you. Actually I get
    > the best results using SQL passthrough, SQL data definition, etc.

    > you having problems doing this? If so then post here and I`m sure we can
    > resolve it.

    Anthony B. Kenitzki

    On 9/22/98 11:04:04 AM, Dan Spieth
    > wrote:
    > Any known problems with using an Access Append query to add data
    > to an SQL
    > table?

    Anthony, I have a problem! We are trying to convert data from Access to a SQL Server database using VB (we are upsizing). Our problem is we use IDENTITY columns that were Autonumbers in Access, to preserve data integrity we need to import these values into the SQL IDENTITY columns, we can`t. I`ve read that we can use SET INSERT_IDENITY ON/OFF table but we can`t get it to work using a pass through query. Any suggestions or a code example to see where we are going wrong?


    Martin Topping

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