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Thread: In and Exist are both slow. Anything else?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    In and Exist are both slow. Anything else?

    Hi everyone,

    I posted here once before when my own research was not enough. I am hoping you can all help me again. In the following query I am trying to return all categories containing matching products and the # of products in each category. The query is accurate, but painfully slow. I have tried "IN" and "Exists" and both are slow. Does anyone see anything really obviously wrong that I have missed?

    SELECT COUNT(categories.idcategory) AS ProductsInCategory, categories.idcategory, categories.categoryDesc 
    FROM (categories_products INNER JOIN categories ON categories_products.idcategory=categories.idcategory) 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN products as A ON A.idProduct=categories_products.idProduct 
    WHERE ((A.serviceSpec<>0 AND A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice>=0 And A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice<=999999999) OR (A.serviceSpec=0 AND A.price>=0 And A.price<=999999999))
    AND A.removed=0 
    AND categories.iBTOhide=0 
    AND categories.pccats_RetailHide=0 
    AND configOnly=0 
    AND A.idproduct IN (SELECT E.idproduct FROM pcSearchFields_Products E WHERE E.idSearchData=2135) 
    AND A.idproduct IN (SELECT E.idproduct FROM pcSearchFields_Products E WHERE E.idSearchData=2869) 
    GROUP BY categories.idcategory, categories.categoryDesc 
    ORDER BY categories.idcategory;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Is this MS SQL? Are you using a stored procedure?

    If so I would get the product id's into a temp table first and then build the query from that temp table (or table variable if the number of rows is low enough)

    My second consideration would be to somehow get those product id's first - by using something like a derived query.

    Select ....
    From (SELECT Distinct E.idproduct FROM pcSearchFields_Products E WHERE E.idSearchData in (2135,2869)) as "X"
    Left Join ...
    Notice how I'm getting the idproduct field as the FIRST FROM item - and it's a derived table named "X". And of course there was never a reason to do it twice - mine as well get all the id's in a single query.

    Then you start JOIN'ing your other tables to this list of product id's.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Use this

    SELECT COUNT(c.idcategory) AS ProductsInCategory, c.idcategory, c.categoryDesc
    FROM categories_products
    INNER JOIN categories c
    ON categories_products.idcategory=c.idcategory
    INNER JOIN pcSearchFields_Products pp1
    ON ( A.idproduct = pp1.idproduct
    and (pp1.idSearchData=2135 or pp1.idSearchData=2869)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN products A
    ON A.idProduct=categories_products.idProduct
    WHERE ((A.serviceSpec<>0
    AND A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice>=0
    And A.pcProd_BTODefaultPrice<=999999999)
    OR (A.serviceSpec=0 AND A.price>=0 And A.price<=999999999))
    AND A.removed=0
    AND c.iBTOhide=0
    AND c.pccats_RetailHide=0
    AND configOnly=0
    GROUP BY c.idcategory, c.categoryDesc
    ORDER BY c.idcategory;

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