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Thread: oh boi

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    oh boi

    and I cant get the tutorial to work for me- or I should say there is something I'm not doing right- created my table ok and it acknowledged but inserting kept saying error tried it 90 different ways-

    insert into
    (firstname, lastname, title, age, salary)
    ('Jonie', 'Weber', 'Programmer', 32, 25000.00);

    now should i just keep adding them in one by one or can i just keep adding and populating this fictional database. Everything I tried said errors, but the table is made. Stayed up 4 hours trying to figure this out thanks everyone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    a. what error you are getting
    b. what is your table structure.

    seems to me that you are have data type issue.

    Are you sure Age and Salary are numeric?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Talking yes sir

    well I am on this practice site so the error is recheck entry. I double check then I checked the answer provided- I duplicated the entry exactly with single quotes commas and semicolon and it still would not allow the entry as I attempted to entered them one at a time. I created the table for the age and salary to be number with character (3) for age and (20) for salary. heres the entry:
    insert into
    (firstname, lastname, title, age, salary)
    ('Jonie", 'Weber', 'Programmer', 32, 25000.00);
    how does that look
    thanks for your help
    my next step when i complete this is to make this (another fictional practice db) to make it relational.

    For this company I will be helping, their first step is to weed out old and inactive customers (1st query) and to delete them (2nd action) then I need to create the relation and reorder the db

    lots going on but this is small stuff for u guys

    YOU ROC!

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