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Thread: Partial backup in MS SQL SERVER

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Partial backup in MS SQL SERVER


    We are a product company and our product uses the MS SQL SERVER in the backend for storage. The product has 20 tables in the database. Each table has a transaction_id column in it.

    The tables are quite big and are not feasible to be backed up at one time. Now the requirement is that, we want to backup data from the 20 tables based on a TRANSACTION_ID column value.

    I want to take a backup of all the data from the product tables that matches a transaction_id I provide. The backup should be in such a way that, while again inserting that data into the database at a later point of time, the data should go to the same tables from where they came.

    So affectively, I am not taking any complete table backup at any point of time, but a set of partial-tables based on some column value.

    Is there any way I can do that in MS SQL server backup mechanism? Or any round about solution if that is not feasible directly?

    Please advice.. !


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Not in backup, but you can bcp whatever data you like out to text file.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    if it is 2005, you can create database snapshot before that transaction ID. But in your case you will not know when the train id is going to happen.

    As rmiao said, you can find the timestamp when that tran id happend and you can export all the 20 table [hopefully all tables have datetime column] to a file.

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