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Thread: Order By on character field

  1. #1
    Justin Guest

    Order By on character field

    Does ORDER BY work on character data type in SQL Server through ODBC?
    I tried using the SQL Query Tool in SQL Enterprise Manager and it works but using through ODBC I can't get any results.

    Query: SELECT company_id, company_name FROM lt_company ORDER BY company_name

    company_id = integer
    company_name = 30 characters

  2. #2

    Order By on character field (reply)

    Try connecting with Access through ODBC.

    Justin at 6/11/01 11:28:00 PM

    Does ORDER BY work on character data type in SQL Server through ODBC?
    I tried using the SQL Query Tool in SQL Enterprise Manager and it works but using through ODBC I can't get any results.

    Query: SELECT company_id, company_name FROM lt_company ORDER BY company_name

    company_id = integer
    company_name = 30 characters

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