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Thread: TempDb in RAM

  1. #1
    Vijay Kumar Guest

    TempDb in RAM


    When should I put tempdb in RAM and when should I not ?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Ray Miao Guest

    TempDb in RAM (reply)

    Always no.

    Vijay Kumar at 3/18/99 1:15:10 PM


    When should I put tempdb in RAM and when should I not ?

    Thanks in advance


  3. #3
    Vijay Kumar Guest

    TempDb in RAM (reply)

    I have 2.25 gig RAM. Should I still keep tempdb out of RAM ?
    What are your reasons for keeping it out RAM ?


    Ray Miao at 3/18/99 2:08:22 PM

    Always no.

    Vijay Kumar at 3/18/99 1:15:10 PM


    When should I put tempdb in RAM and when should I not ?

    Thanks in advance


  4. #4
    Steve Guest

    TempDb in RAM (reply)


    The problem with putting tempdb in Ram is that if it ever fills up, it kills the SQL Server and requires a restart. That, of course, is never a good thing. I have considered putting it in RAM on a server of my own. I just haven't convinced myself that my tempdb requirements are always going to remain the same. I would run Performance Monitor for a while during over your busiest times and monitor the Max Tempdb Used monitor. That should give you a good idea as to how big your tempdb should be. Just make sure that you read up on how SQL Server/NT share memory. You might need to back off what you are giving to SQL Server if you put tempdb into RAM. Good luck.

    Vijay Kumar at 3/18/99 4:20:36 PM

    I have 2.25 gig RAM. Should I still keep tempdb out of RAM ?
    What are your reasons for keeping it out RAM ?


    Ray Miao at 3/18/99 2:08:22 PM

    Always no.

    Vijay Kumar at 3/18/99 1:15:10 PM


    When should I put tempdb in RAM and when should I not ?

    Thanks in advance


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