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Thread: Time difference between rows in same column

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Hopefully, in the scenario you describe below, I would want to base it off the first timestamp per agent #. So in that case, I would only get rid of the 7:30 timestamp since it is less than 2 hours from the first timestamp.

    This is what I have tried, but I am not getting the result set I am trying for

    select a.ordernum. a.agent, a.datetime
    from tbldata a
    a.ordernum in (select b.ordernum FROM tbldata b where a.ordernum = b.ordernum AND a.agent = b.agent AND datediff(mi, a.datetime b.datetime) > 120)
    order by ordernum, agent, datetime

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Will this work?

    SELECT B.*

    (SELECT ordernum, MIN([datetime]) AS mindatetime
    FROM YourTable
    GROUP BY ordernum) AS A

    JOIN YourTable AS B

    ON A.ordernum = B.ordernum
    AND (A.mindatetime = B.[datetime] OR DATEADD(minute, 120, A.mindatetime) <= B.[datetime])

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Very close!
    This is what the raw data looks like:
    agent ordernum datetime
    33333 123456 2/6/06 12:12
    33333 123456 2/6/06 12:13
    77777 123456 2/7/06 10:55
    77777 123456 2/7/06 11:17

    This is what it looks like after running your query:
    agent ordernum datetime
    33333 123456 2/6/06 12:12
    77777 123456 2/7/06 10:55
    77777 123456 2/7/06 11:17

    Is there a way to do this per agent #, per ordernum within 2 hours? Since the last record in the result set is within 2 hours of the second agent updating the order, It would be great if I could eliminate the record thats within 2 hours of 77777 first touching it as well. I wish I could just distinct out each agent/ordernum, but there are occurences where the agent handles the order several times outside of 2 hours. So its 1 update within 2 hours for each unique agent #. They can overlap eachother within the same time frame. Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Then try this:

    SELECT B.*

    (SELECT ordernum, agent, MIN([datetime]) AS mindatetime
    FROM YourTable
    GROUP BY ordernum, agent) AS A

    JOIN YourTable AS B

    ON A.ordernum = B.ordernum
    AND A.agent = B.agent
    AND (A.mindatetime = B.[datetime] OR DATEADD(minute, 120, A.mindatetime) <= B.[datetime])

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    appears to work! Thanks again!

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