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Thread: Connecting SQL Server through MS Doc Command

  1. #1
    hiroko Guest

    Connecting SQL Server through MS Doc Command

    Can anyone tell me how I can connect database of SQL Server through MS Command prompt?

    For example, if it is Oracle, the following works.

    sqlplus userid/password/dbname

    Is there any command which is equivalent as above in SQL Server?

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Connecting SQL Server through MS Doc Command (reply)

    You could use the ISQL program with parameters like Pwd Input, Output files etc..

    hiroko at 4/26/01 2:31:44 PM

    Can anyone tell me how I can connect database of SQL Server through MS Command prompt?

    For example, if it is Oracle, the following works.

    sqlplus userid/password/dbname

    Is there any command which is equivalent as above in SQL Server?

    Thank you.

  3. #3

    Connecting SQL Server through MS Doc Command (reply)

    hiroko at 4/26/01 2:31:44 PM

    Can anyone tell me how I can connect database of SQL Server through MS Command prompt?

    Type in command prompt:
    isql -?


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