It says I have an error at line 4. Sorry to say thats all I know. Anyone know how i can fix or clean up this script?

PHP Code:
<?php $dbconnection = @mysql_connect(localhostadminpassword);

if (!
$dbconnection) {
"<p>Unable to connect to the " "database server at this time.</p>" );

if (! @
mysql_select_db("database") ) {
"<p>Unable to locate the joke " .
"database at this time.</p>" );

if (!
$_POST['name']) {
"<p>please submit form" );
$sql "CREATE TABLE $user (
$user TEXT,
if ( @
mysql_query($sql) ) {
"<p>".$user." table successfully created!</p>");
} else {
"<p>Error creating ".$user." table: " mysql_error() . "</p>");

<form method="post" action="newsite.php">
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="done!">
If input field "name" is blank. i want it to do nothing. if it has input in the field i want it to create a table in the database called whatever the input is.
