Hi Frank,

We are having problem with the memo field box (access + SQL server).
We would like to make a linebreak by using "<BR>" because the content of the box is printed on several lines in a html file, but it seems that's not possible (we have the error : A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client .... ).
By simply pressing "Entry" the text goes to the line in the memo field box but not in html...
Is there a way to solve this issue ?

Here is an example with nwind.mdb:

<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim EditAll As New Tornado.Z()
With EditAll
.dbQP= "U=627|S=12|ps=30|D=nwind.mdb|M=ty=Grid!sysindex=t rue!|ni=update,cancel|gdf=1,2|mts=-1|Q=Select * From categories order by CategoryName"
Dim EUF as string = "fi=categoryname|tag=size=20|ty=text"
EUF = EUF & ",fi=description|ty=TextArea|Tag=cols=30 rows=3"
.dbEditUpdateFlds = EUF
.dbBookMark = "categories;0"
End With
End Sub