
first of all I want to congratulate you guys for this great forum you have. It have help me lot just reading several threads here. I myself have posted my own questions of couple of times before and the response have been great.

now I've got new concern with my SQL7. this regards attaching a formerly 'SUSPECT' status database which was detach.

I have detached a database(by the way the database is broken into filegroups) using 'sp_detach_db' while the database was in 'SUSPECT' status, because I was trying to restore the database to its normal state, I tried everything and detaching/attaching was the last option I tried... now its worse.

When I tried attaching using sp_attach_single_file_db' this error occurs:

Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

21 transactions rolled forward in database 'DelMonte' (7).
Location: scanrid.cpp:315
Expression: m_len != 0
Process ID: 1712

Connection Broken

I've run out of ideas already.
Any suggestions? help. :-)
I really need to re-attach the database.

thank you very much.
