I have a large database table that I'm doing a query on. I hope that I can explain this well enough.

I have set up the fields that I want in the quary, sorting out the date for the month of june, sorting out the type of part numbers that I'm looking at.

the problem that I'm hitting is the orders. I can have many part numbers on the same order, but I want to only have it show or count the multiple order numbers as one to get a count of just the unique orders that were shipped.

eg. p/n abc order# 001
p/n bcd order# 001
p/n cde order# 001
p/n abc order# 002

I want this to just show me that I had 2 orders not 4. I'm working with thousands of records but know that it is really just a few hundred unique orders that I want to get a count on.

I know what I want this to do for me, but can't for the life of me find what the function to do this is called to get me closer to solving this problem.

Thanks in advance.