I've been using Tornado for about a year and a half. Recently, I started getting random errors on my Tornado pages - "'ReDim' can only change the rightmost dimension." I'd see this problem, then in the middle of trying to figure out what was wrong, it would dissappear.

I was told to upgrade to the newest version of the Tornado DLL - March 25th. We've been using the December 2003 DLL. With the new DLL installed, all our Tornado pages generate the same error:

(800 : XX) Error

Invalid Query

Hit [Back] button to continue

We've been using all of these pages for a long time, and some of them for over a year, so I know that the queries are good. Here is a sample page that will generate that error:

<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)

Dim XL As New Tornado.Z()
With XL
.dbUnit = "35"
.dbMode = "type=Grid"
.dbProvider = "ODBC"
.dbDSN = "Driver={Informix UniVerse ODBC Driver};DSN=MBODBC"
.dbDBType = "MYSQL"
.dbNavigationItem = "top, prev, bottom, next"
End With

End Sub