I was trying to do the following, but failed, so I am here.
Is it possible to read in trigger the inserted values, im this case it is an incremental integer, and to insert that value into another table?

look at this code please:

create table id2
id2ID int identity(1,1) not null
constraint PK_id2ID
primary key,
id2value varchar(20) not null default 'id2 value'
create table id1
idxID int not null
constraint FK_idx
foreign key references id2(id2ID),
id1value varchar(20) not null default 'id1 value'
create view ids as
select id2.id2value, id1.id1value
from id2, id1

create trigger trig_ids on ids
instead of insert
insert id2(id2value)
select id2value from inserted
insert id1(idxID, id1value)
select id2.id2ID, id1value from id2, inserted