My tabular form has a Part# associated with the table the form connects with. In the change method of the Part# field, I have a DAO.Recordset that is fetching the Part Description and am trying to place that description on the same line for that specific Part# field that is being changed. However, what is happening is all of the Part Description fields for the entire form is being changed.

Is there a way to identify only the active row for the tablular form?

Here is my code: I believe the problem lies where I have the Me!txtPartDescription = rs!partdes. I envision something here specifying what line (a bookmark or something) to alter with the part description.

Any suggestions?

Private Sub cboPartNum_change()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strRecords As String

strRecords = "SELECT [PARTDES] FROM tPART# WHERE [PARTNUM] = '" & Me!cboPartNum & "'"

Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(strRecords, dbOpenDynaset)

Me!txtPartDescription = rs!partdes

End Sub