Ok, I have a form that 'deletes' a name from the active project leaders list. In actuality, it delets nothing and simply removes the active checkmark from the project leaders table, thus making them in-active. The code I used is below, but here is the funny part. It worked, exactly as it is below, then i saved and closed the form and code, then went back in a few min later ot adjust some sizeing, and it stopped working, and now will not start to do so again.

oh and the form works by selecting a name from a combo that is attached to a query that takes all the active names form the list then filters the form based off of the returned Project_Leader_ID.

Anyone know another way or can think of any good advice to keep this from happening again?

Private Sub DeleteCommand_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_DeleteCommand_Click

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset 'recordset to set project numbers in key tables
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblID_lookup_Project_Lead er")
rst.Index = "PrimaryKey"
rst!Active = 0


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_DeleteCommand_Click

End Sub

Project_Leader_ID -> autonumber (PK)
Employee_Reference_Number_ID -> number
Active -> yes/no