When I use the "Memo Field" template example that came with "TED" (.dbGridTemplate) the EditUpdate and
EditAdd stop working. When I comment the .dbGridTemplate line out the update and add features work again.

The online manual did not contain information about this. Is this a full feature or for display only?

<body onLoad="self.focus()">
<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(Source as Object, E as EventArgs)
Dim grid As New Tornado.Z()
with grid
.dbUnit = 1488
.dbQP = "d=Nwind|th=Title=Notes Template"
.dbMode = "type=grid| sysind=t"
.dbsql = "Select * from Employees "
.dbskin = "plain"
.dbGridDisplayFlds = "0,1,2"
.dbmemotextsize = 2048
.dbpagesize = 5
.dbNameMap = "fi=0|alias=Emp#,fi=1|alias=Last Name,fi=2|alias=First Name"
.dbEditUpdateFlds = "0,1,2,15"
.dbEditAddFlds = "0,1,2,15"
.dbNavigationItem = "top,bottom,prev,next,add,update,delete,search,rel oad"
.dbBookMark = "Employees; 0 "
.dbGridTemplate = "<center>[[Grid]]<p>[[GridNav]]<P>[[GridStat]]<br>[[memo::Notes::<table

width='54%' class=ts cellspacing='1'><tr><td class='gh'>Employees Notes</td></tr><tr><td

end with
End Sub