There is a problem with the retention of data when you use field validation and one of those fields fail. I include the command I use for my field validation.

The scenario goes like this, every field that does not have some type of properties is refreshed after the error is displayed, field 3,10,11,8,and 9 will loose their content after the error is displayed, so beside having to fix the field in error, in this case I have to retype whatever I had typed in fields 3,10,11,8 and 9.

.dbEditaddFlds = "fi=0|ty=text|mask=NOTBLANK|event=both|req=true|er r=Case number mandatory,fi=1|ty=textcalendar,10,11,fi=2|ty=selec tbox+b|val=MCCID|tex=CID|oper=NB|comp=dummy|ErrorT ext=Type mandatory,3,fi=AdvAssgCase|ty=selectbox+b|val=VID| tex=VID,fi=5|ty=textcalendar,fi=office|ty=selectbo x+b|val=soid|tex=soid|oper=NB|comp=dummy|ErrorText =Intake Office mandatory,fi=agency|ty=selectbox+b|val=Aaid|tex=Aa id,fi=DefStatus|ty=selectbox+b|val=DSID|tex=DS,fi= 8,fi=9"