Hi got a question for you folks who are ALREADY in the SQL DBA market and have been working for sometime. I am a Network Engineer MCSE, CCNA, A+ and the market now has DROPPED out!! Due to silly little tech schools pumping out paper MCSE's. I know that Microsoft has make the 2000 track much more harder to get to weed out these folks but hey im 36 and I forcast it will be another 5-10 years before the market really goes back to what it was, so my question is this, I used to program I like SQL have the server 2000 loaded at home ( I have a small lan at home ) and I am about to start on the track to learn it and get the certification in that and the IBM UDB? ( I havent dug to far yet into that ) but my question is this and I am basing it on the fact that SQL DBA and development is MUCH more harder to obtain a certificatin in thereby keeping all these ratty ass tech schools out and mabe the market open, so based on you folks who are already in the market does it look good to you? I mean have you seen a increase in the people and a drop in pay? Do you see that certifications in SQL and IBM's DBA a worth while investment in my future? I love computer and dont wanna go into anything else, I like to program did it when I got my first one ( I used basic and pascal ) and loved it, so what do you think do you forcast the market dropping out like it has in the field im in now?? please help, thanks!!!