I've just downloaded the ASPDB-Free product to evaluate for a client prior to purchasing the Pro version.
I substituted my database in the Testasp.asp document and it worked great. The navigation performed just perfectly.
WHen I add our own Sql criteria which consisted of only one test field, It found all 321 records and displayed the first five just fine. However, now the navigation buttons don't work and take me to the top of the Testasp.asp form and blanks it out when I press it.
I know this must be a simple misunderstanding on my part, however, I can't find out how to correct this problem. Can someone please take a look at this code and tell me how to fix this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Barry Passen

<b><font size=&#34;5&#34; color=&#34;#FF00FF&#34;>
Sarasota Arts Council Events for <%=request.form(&#34;categories&#34%></font></b>
<%strcat = request.form(&#34;Categories&#34%>
<p align=&#34;left&#34;><a href=&#34;getevents5.asp&#34;>Back to Previous Page</a></p>

dbunit = 1
strcat = request.form(&#34;Categories&#34

Set MyDb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;ASPdb.Free&#34 &#39; Create the ASP-db™ object
MyDb.dbMDB = Server.MapPath(&#34;saraarts.mdb&#34 &#39; Use YourFile.mdb in the current directory
MyDb.dbColor = &#34;6&#34; &#39; Pick color scheme 7, turn on Color button
MyDb.dbMode = &#34;grid,auto&#34; &#39; Show it in both &#34;grid&#34; and &#34;form&#34; mode
MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;BORDER=3&#34; &#39; Set the table BORDER to 3
MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;Select program, description, event_start_date, event_end_date, event_time_1, performance_location, image FROM events where Discipline = &#39;&#34; & trim(strcat) & &#34;&#39; &#34;
MyDb.ASPdbFree &#39; Tell ASP-db to show the table!