Having lots of trouble with Dates in Oracle.

Basically Oracle stores dates 12-OCT-99 and the DLL / ODBC displays in edit as 10/12/99 so when you edit there are errors.

We have Oracle 8.0.5 / MS Oracle ODBC driver / ASPdb EP and everything else seems to work fine.

Here is the simple EP demo using the DEMO database with Oracle 8 / Personal Oracle. If you go to edit and try to add the date as it is displayed, it will error. You have to change all the dates to DD-MMM-YY to even get it to work.

Please help asap as we have a large client and are delivering the solution to them this week.


Demo Code you can easily run:

<CENTER>Oracle Date Test. Go to Update and enter a date in standard format (12/12/99) to see the Oracle error. You must change the date to DD-MM-YY to get it to work.<P>
<%Set Mydb = Server.CreateObject(&#34;aspDB.EP&#34
MyDb.dbDSN=&#34;DSN=local; UID=scott; PWD=tiger;&#34;
MyDb.dbUnit = 1
MyDb.DBColor = &#34;4,auto,lightblue&#34;
MyDb.dbGridTableTag = &#34;border=3 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=3&#34;
MyDb.DbMode = &#34;Both&#34;
MyDb.dbSQL = &#34;($~)SELECT * FROM SCOTT.EMP&#34;
MyDb.dbNavigationItem=&#34;top, bottom, next, prev, update,&#34;

MyDb.dbEditParams=&#34;TableName=SCOTT.EMP,BookMar kFlds=0,TableTag=BORDER=2&#34;
MyDb.dbEditFlds=&#34;1,2,3,4,5,6,7&#34; &#39; Note: You CANNOT include the AutoNumbered UniqueID field!
