Is there a minimum download date for the eval version to get templates to work? I have the following code and cant get the templates to show up at all.
The grid displays fine but there is nothing but a blank page for the template.
What in Gods name is wrong with this. Ive been looking through every refernce I can and I cant get this to work.

Set ExectionGrid = Server.CreateObject("ASP.db&#34
ExectionGrid.dbUnit = 3245
ExectionGrid.dbDSN = "Data Source=Odysseus;DATABASE=Lynx;"
ExectionGrid.dbDBType = "SQL"
ExectionGrid.dbSQL = "SELECT * FROM appArgonautExectionType"
ExectionGrid.dbEditParams = "TableName=appArgonautExectionType, BookMarkFlds=0+1"

ExectionGrid.dbFormTemplate = "ChrisTest.htm"
ExectionGrid.dbEditUpdateTemplate = "ChrisTest.htm"

ExectionGrid.dbGridTableTag = "Border=1 Cellspacing=1"

ExectionGrid.dbGridInc = 50
ExectionGrid.dbNavigation = "bottom"
ExectionGrid.dbNavigationItem = "Delete, Edit, Add, Update"
ExectionGrid.dbGridDisplayFlds = "0,1"
ExectionGrid.dbFormDisplayFlds = "0,1"
ExectionGrid.dbMode = "Dual-horiz"
ExectionGrid.dbFormDisplayFlds = -1
ExectionGrid.dbDebug = 101




<input Type=Text VALUE=[[ExectionType]] name=txtType>
<input Type=Text VALUE=[[ExectionDesc]] name=txtDesc>
[[AddSubmitButton]] [[ReturnButton]]
