I tried all the ways in the manual, and examples, even this one below
I have tried making the Global.aspx file several ways (below):
I still get this error
"Expected &#39'"


Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
Grid test page.

<script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
Sub Page_Load(Source As Object,e As EventArgs)
Dim Grid1 As New Tornado.Z()
with Grid1
.dbQP = &#34;Unit=1|DSN=Application(&#34;IT&#34|Mode=Grid&#34;
.dbGridDisplayFlds =&#34;ID,Serial,Cost&#34;
.dbSQL = &#34;Select * From [Central Iowa Equipment]&#34;
.dbTextHolder = &#34;Title=Get the damn thing working&#34;
end with
End Sub

Global.aspx file

<script language=&#34;VBScript&#34; runat=&#34;server&#34;>
Sub Application_Start(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionString&#34 = &#34;DSN=IT;DRIVER={SQL Server};UID=sa&#34;
Application(&#34;IRM_ConnectionTimeout&#34 = 15
Application(&#34;IRM_CommandTimeout&#34 = 30
Application(&#34;IRM_CursorLocation&#34 = 3
Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimeUserName&#34 = &#34;sa&#34;
Application(&#34;IRM_RuntimePassword&#34 = &#34;&#34;
End Sub