
I'm using ASPDb to access a Oracle 8 table with dates and all are returned in the format YY/MM/DD, although our W95 and database settings are DDMMYYYY. How can I change the formats?

I seem to be able to get filter dropdowns working with numeric data but not Varchar fields. What datatypes work with this feature?

I'm using a view to pull together eight small description tables to a main table to avoid displaying meaningless codes to users. My view is fully optimised but the performance is slow. I am assuming that the table is being cached somewhere, can I optimise ASPDb any more? We're only talking about 2600 records and setting dbRecordCount doesn't make much difference.

I want users to be able to enter filter text strings in any case. I use SQL function in my Oracle view to change the table field from upper to proper case. Are there any parameters I can use in filters to change the input case type?

So many questions!! Thanks for your help

Great product!!
