I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to mirroring production, but I have implented a schedule to backup the production DB from Server 1, followed by the Transaction Logs, and then subsequently Restore DB to Server 2, and applying transactions.
It appears to be working successfully. I am running the Log dumps every hour, and every hour at :15, restoring the Logs to Server 2. I have the two servers reading the same Dump Device, so I am trying to take care that they don't run into each other.
The log dump has INIT, b/c t-sql appears to only restore the FILE=1 by default. However, i can compensate by backing them up on Server 2 to another device.
Question: Must I also, have the following day's full backup restored to Server 2, before the transaction logs are restored? (Otherwise it would be out of sequence?).
I really, really, need some professional DBA/technical advice. Thank you much.