Hi... Everybody,

I am new to using SQL Server and I present to you the following problem that I am facing:

Can I use the 'EXECUTE' or 'EXECUTE sp_executesql' in a SELECT query that assigns a value to a declared variable ?

To be more specific:
I have the following set of SQL Statements that do not seem to work:

DECLARE @CustomerID char(6)
DECLARE @OfficeID char(3)
DECLARE @DestinationAccountNo char(7)
DECLARE @TableName char(30)

SET @TableName = 'Users'
SET @CustomerID = '001001'
SET @OfficeID = '001'
SET @DestinationAccountNo = '0001011'

DECLARE @ExecuteString nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @CurDestPatIDChar char(2)

SET @ExecuteString = N'SELECT @CurDestPatIDChar = RTRIM(CAST(Max(CAST([UserID] AS decimal(2, 0))) AS char(2))) '

SET @ExecuteString = RTRIM(@ExecuteString) + N' FROM ' + RTRIM(@TableName)

SET @ExecuteString = RTRIM(@ExecuteString) + N' WHERE [CustID] = ''' + RTRIM(@CustomerID) + N''' AND [OfficeID] = ''' + RTRIM(@OfficeID) + N''' AND [AccNo] = ''' + RTRIM(@DestinationAccountNo) + N''''

PRINT @CurDestPatIDChar
When I run this in the Query Ananlyzer I get the following error:
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 0
Must declare the variable '@CurDestPatIDChar'.

The above set of statements do not seems to work with EXECUTE either.

Where as if I run the following query with the same variable declarations as above:

SET @ExecuteString = N'SELECT @CurDestPatIDChar1 = RTRIM(CAST(Max(CAST([PatientID] AS decimal(2, 0))) AS char(2))) '

SET @ExecuteString = RTRIM(@ExecuteString) + N' FROM ' + RTRIM(@TableName)

SET @ExecuteString = RTRIM(@ExecuteString) + N' WHERE [CustID] = ''' + RTRIM(@CustomerID) + N''' AND [OfficeID] = ''' + RTRIM(@OfficeID) + N''' AND [AccNo] = ''' + RTRIM(@DestinationAccountNo) + N''''

EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @ExecuteString, N'@CurDestPatIDChar1 char(2)', @CurDestPatIDChar1 = @CurDestPatIDChar
PRINT @CurDestPatIDChar

I donot get any error messages but the variable '@CurDestPatIDChar' is not initialized.

The problem seems to be that the execute statement interprets any variable assignments (here it is '@CurDestPatIDChar', defined as part of the execute string in quotes) as local to the execute statement.

I shall be grateful if you can provide me with a solution for this,

