
I have a query that I am having some trouble with.

select jobid, lastruntime
from jobs where jobid= 9740
order by lastruntime desc

jobid	lastruntime
9740	2012-07-17 12:07:29.777
9740	2012-07-17 11:48:46.127
9740	2012-07-17 11:29:54.050
9740	2012-07-17 11:09:23.807
9740	2012-07-17 10:49:55.010
What I need to do is create another column that utilizes the DATEDIFF function to find the time between lastruntime. I know I can use DATEDIFF, but the problem lies with the fact that this table (jobs) has no unique column.

i can use the following query, but it requires me to manually enter in the start and end dates...

select datediff (minute, '2012-07-13 13:23:31.793', '2012-07-13 13:45:13.250') as 'time between lastruntime'
What I need is results like the following....
userid	logintime			time between lastruntime
9740	2012-07-17 12:07:29.777	-19
9740	2012-07-17 11:48:46.127	-19
9740	2012-07-17 11:29:54.050	etc...
9740	2012-07-17 11:09:23.807	etc..
9740	2012-07-17 10:49:55.010	etc..
Can anyone help me implement this logically...?
