I have following query (against db2/400 data base using linked server).

        glmcu as business_unit,
        SUM(CASE WHEN ((date(digits(dec(gldgj + 1900000,7,0)))) >= ''''' + CONVERT(varchar(11),@DateFrom1,121)  + ''''' and (date(digits(dec(gldgj + 1900000,7,0)))) <= ''''' + CONVERT(varchar(11),@DateTo1,121) + ''''')   THEN glu / 100 ELSE 0 END) AS quantity1 
        from    VGIPRDDTA.F0911
where   glmcu = ''''     1000131'''' and
        (glsub = ''''00200   '''' or glsub = ''''00315   '''') and 
        gllt = ''''AA'''' and
        gldct = ''''JE'''' and 
        globj = '''' '''' and
        glum = ''''CY''''
group by glmcu
order by glmcu'')'
The query works fine but I need to modify my selection for fields 'glmcu' (BusinessUnit) and 'glsub' (CostCenter). Instead of hard coding the selection I will need to retrieve the selection (and grouping) from another table.

Table layout:

BusinessUnit  Group  CostCenter
1000131          1     00200
1000131          1     00315
1000131          1     00320

1000164          1     00200
1000164          1     00400

1000131          2     04000
1000131          2     04400
So with the above table example the query should render 3 records.

Anyone that may help??? Thank you.