
I`m new to SQL Server, so excuse this if it`s a well-known
problem with a well-known solution.

I tried setting up SQL Server 6.5 (the box but not the
docs or install claims it`s an
upgrade product) but the install hung at "Setup is now
installing the initial SQL Server configuration" for over
10 minutes. That is, the install kept processing
something but did not appear to be coming to an end until
I killed it. This happened repeatedly, and on a second
server, too.

I then installed 6.0 (over 6.5!), and was able to install
6.5 over 6.0. However, I`m not able to install the 6.5

SQL Server appears to run (although I`ve not tried any
DB stuff).

Any suggestions? Should I uninstall and start over?

best, paul