I'm an access newbie desperately searching for a way to synchronise different copies of the same access 2003 database i created. I have tried brief case synchronisation and replication, and I have also tried the replication/synchronisation manager that comes with access but they both haven't been much help.
My experience with them leads me to believe that they both work best with a LAN or internet connection.
I'm seeking a solution that will work without a LAN or internet connection. Something that will copy my tables and other required objects to a folder that i can copy and move to another pc where another copy of the database resides. It should then import the same tables and objects and hence synchronise the copy of the database.
I recently saw a visual foxpro database that has the kind of synchronisation solution i'm looking for. I think it works this way;it exports all the tables and necessary objects to a folder that it creates allowing you to copy or move this folder via portable storage device to another computer. It then synchronises by importing the tables and other objects from this folder into the database resident on that computer.
I think there might be a way to do this using macro's or VBA but alas my knowledge of these areas of access is very weak. Is there a way to recreate this functionality in access 2003 using VBA code?