I have created an insert stored procedure as follows

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.rcPersistOrderDetail
@Store AS varchar(5),
@tDate AS varchar(8),
@ToB AS varchar(2),
@UVNDCDE AS varchar(8),
@QUANTITY AS varchar(8)
Declare @SQL VarChar(1000)
SELECT @SQL = 'INSERT INTO [' + @Store + '] (Store, tDate, ToB, UVNDCDE, QUANTITY) '
SELECT @SQL = @SQL + ' Values(' + @Store + ',' + @tDate + ',' + @ToB + ','

When this stored procedure is executed for example with
the following insert values
8888, 08252005 ,14,124,5
the inserted result is
8888, 8252005 ,14,124,5

Yes, the tDate field in the table is defined as varchar(8).

I am using c# and ado.net to execute the stored procedure.
When I define the ado.net command as of type command text
and actually assign the sql statement to the command object,
I get the desired result. I just can't figure out why the stored procedure would behave differently. Please help!