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Thread: storing word files in SQL server

  1. #1
    rich Guest

    storing word files in SQL server

    Does anyone know how to store a MS Word file in SQL Server 2000, because i would like to beable to call it from there and beable to view/edit it using a OLE box.

  2. #2
    Kurt Guest

    storing word files in SQL server (reply)

    Depends on what programming language you will be using. But here's an overview. You will have to open the file as binary and then read the file (in chunks) and put this in a Blob(Binary Large Object, aka Text or Image). It's not as hard as it sounds. Check out MSDN, they have lots of example on how to do it. Once you have the doc stored in a Image or Text column you do basically do the reverse and read the data out of the column a chunk at a time and recontruct the file. The following link will show you how to do it with VB. It's got sample code that'll show you how to do it:

    rich at 7/10/01 10:52:50 AM

    Does anyone know how to store a MS Word file in SQL Server 2000, because i would like to beable to call it from there and beable to view/edit it using a OLE box.

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