Please help in creating the stored procedure for
the following code.

Thanks in Advance.
Create procedure extractdata

@companynumber varchar(3),
@firstdateofmonth int,
@lastdateofmonth int

truncate table xt

truncate table xtt

insert into xt(account_code,balance_date,net_change,current_ba lance,oldlob)
select account_code, balance_date,net_change,current_balance,@companynu mber
from ccc@companynumber..glbal where balance_date<=@firstdateofmonth

declare @v1 varchar(32)
declare @v2 int
declare @v3 float

declare c1 cursor for
select account_code, max(balance_date) from xt
where oldlob=@companynumber
group by account_code

open c1

fetch next from c1 into @v1,@v2

update xt set status=&#39;max&#39; where account_code=@v1 and balance_date=@v2
and oldlob=@companynumber
fetch next from c1 into @v1,@v2


close c1
deallocate c1

insert into xtt(account_code,balance_date,net_change,current_b alance,oldlob)
select account_code,balance_date,net_change,current_balan ce,oldlob from xt
where status=&#39;max&#39; and oldlob=@companynumber
order by account_code

insert into test1(account_code,current_balance,net_change,bala nce_date,oldlob)
select account_code,round(current_balance,2),round(net_ch ange,2),balance_date,@companynumber
from xtt where oldlob=@companynumber
and account_code in (select account_code from xxxmay where oldlob=@companynumber)

update test1 set net_change=0 where balance_date<@lastdateofmonth
and oldlob=@companynumber

select sum(current_balance),sum(net_change) from test1
where oldlob=@companynumber