I am posting a solution to nested cursors within MS SQL 2000. Currently, if you nest one cursor within a second cursor, when the inner cursor exits, it's @@FETCH_STATUS is set to -1 and then the outer cursor ends as well because @@FETCH_STATUS is a global variable, so they share the same @@FETCH_STATUS variable.


DECLARE <your cursor> Cursor FOR
SELECT order_num
FROM orders
WHERE order_date > @currMonth
FOR Read Only

OPEN <your cursor>
WHILE ( 0 = 0 )
FROM <your cursor>
INTO <your iterance variable>

--@fetchCheck is used to bypass global @@FETCH_STATUS
SET @fetchCheck = @@FETCH_STATUS

--Nested Cursor here, as a stored procedure.
EXEC spNestedCursor <your iterance variable>, @orderNum = @pullData OUTPUT

<your program code here>

--Cursor checks @fetchCheck instead of @@FETCH_STATUS
IF ( @fetchCheck <> 0 ) BREAK
CLOSE <your cursor>
DEALLOCATE <your cursor>