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Thread: MDF File Structure

  1. #1
    lth Guest

    MDF File Structure

    When you attach an MDF that was created using SQL 7.0 to SQL Server 2000, the MDF file structure gets updated. The resulting MDF can no longer be used by SQL 7.0.

    My Question: does anyone know how to read the file structure version of a detached MDF file?

    If the file structure is 7.0, I would like to warn the user and allow her to cancel the attach + conversion to SQL 2000.


  2. #2
    MAK Guest

    MDF File Structure (reply)

    if its a backup file. we can find using this. I couldnt find a solution for u yet to read from physical file.

    FROM disk="i:sqlbackupProdbBKUP2.BAK"

    Column "Softwareversonmajor" will tell you what version that backup belongs to.

    lth at 5/8/2002 4:51:03 AM

    When you attach an MDF that was created using SQL 7.0 to SQL Server 2000, the MDF file structure gets updated. The resulting MDF can no longer be used by SQL 7.0.

    My Question: does anyone know how to read the file structure version of a detached MDF file?

    If the file structure is 7.0, I would like to warn the user and allow her to cancel the attach + conversion to SQL 2000.


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