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Thread: Hash Bucket setting for Server with 1 Gig of RAM ?

  1. #1
    Machina Guest

    Hash Bucket setting for Server with 1 Gig of RAM ?

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Hash Bucket setting for Server with 1 Gig of RAM ? (reply)

    Yes, you could modify the hash bucket value.
    In front of performance trouble, you could start more basically than this value. Hash bucket is not a panacee.
    What is the current average chain ?

    machina at 8/6/01 5:33:22 PM

    I am having serious performance problems with a SQL Server 6.5 on a NT 4 box (service pack 6). Is there a standard recommendation for Hash Bucket setting on a box with 1 gig of RAM ?


    Machina at 8/6/01 5:29:58 PM

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Hash Bucket setting for Server with 1 Gig of RAM ? (reply)

    machina at 8/6/01 5:33:22 PM

    I am having serious performance problems with a SQL Server 6.5 on a NT 4 box (service pack 6). Is there a standard recommendation for Hash Bucket setting on a box with 1 gig of RAM ?


    Machina at 8/6/01 5:29:58 PM

  4. #4
    Patrick Guest

    Hash Bucket setting for Server with 1 Gig of RAM ? (reply)

    Sorry for the empty message.
    So, about your performance Pb. could give some global informations.
    What kind of trouble, symptoms,..
    when this appens,
    what kind of processes, OLTP or DataWareHousing,
    What kind of investigations have you already done...

    Machina at 8/6/01 5:29:58 PM

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