Is there a way to have the SQL Server 6.5 login authentication occur on
1 server and have the information passed over to the second server?

I've got 2 servers that have completely different databases but they have
to work together for this application that has been created in-house.
What I would like is to be able to change the password or create a
new login in EM on 1 server and have it distributed to the second one. Right
now, what I have to do is enter the login and password on each of
the servers which is not hard, just time-consuming. Once I synch the
passwords on the 2 servers, the user is able to pass from 1 server
to the next after their initial login. I would like this synchronization
to occur automatically, if possible.

I also don't want the authentication to have to come from 1 server all
the time. I also want the ability to log right into server 2 when I want
to without having to go through server 1

Does this make any sense? Is there a tool that can help me out?
Thanks for your time.
Toni Eibner