This problem is quite unusual. I am bcping in a HUGE file (219 columns, 1625 byte records, 120,000 records in a file). When I did this interactively, I took the defaults on all the columns and for the last column I entered a row terminator of
. The file inserted perfectly to the table. However, when I ran a batch file that ran bcp, calling the format file I had created during the interactive section, the file inserted, but the data was all screwy. I looked in the format file and the last column had a
for the terminator...which is correct. So the file can only be inserted manually, which is a huge problem, since my application needs it to be automated. Is this a size problem? I read that the max. record length is 2048 (we have 1625) and the max. number of columns is 250 (we have 219). Is it a glitch in the BCP utility? The weird thing is, is that the same type format files...with
, work for my other, smaller files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,