I'm a newbie, I'm trying to study the mysql storage allocation when a new table is created in MySQL. I'm using mysql 8.0.35 community edition.

For the learning purpose, I created a new table t1 with one column - c1 int data type. This table has only one row - 1.

I used stat command to understand the allocation, but I can't understand how space is allocated for table files.

[mysql1@pgsql1 test1]$ stat t1.ibd
File: ?t1.ibd?
Size: 114688 Blocks: 224 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: fd02h/64770d Inode: 1200 Links: 1
Access: (0640/-rw-r-----) Uid: ( 1003/ mysql1) Gid: ( 27/ mysql)
Access: 2024-10-10 09:43:23.992888041 +0530
Modify: 2024-10-10 09:43:46.646284448 +0530
Change: 2024-10-10 09:43:46.646284448 +0530
Birth: -

My OS - RHEL 7
OS block size - 4096

But in the stat output says 224 blocks allocated, so file size should be 896 KB but its only 112 KB. Someone please help me to understand this.