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Thread: Detecting hierarchical errors

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Detecting hierarchical errors

    This is a highly theoretical question for which there is no good answer. I hope it is a good discussion and I hope it is okay for me to ask.

    In the 1980s I worked for an aircraft manufacturer. They built large aircraft, some of the largest. There was an application they called Tumbledown. It would find hierarchical errors, such as an assembly being a component of itself. It would start at the top of the design and tumble down. At that time even the most advanced computers were not capable of processing the entire aircraft design in real time, at the time that the engineer updated the design using CAD, so Tumbledown would be run overnight.

    What are the chances I could have designed a methodology that was more efficient and could detect such an error in real time?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Largo, FL.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Hobbs View Post
    What are the chances I could have designed a methodology that was more efficient and could detect such an error in real time?
    Not sure if you intend on this being a trick question or not.

    The answer is either 50/50 that "YOU" either could or couldn't make the design..... OR, we'd have to spend months getting to know YOU and your skillset etc before guessing.

    If the question were changed to-> What are the chances THAT SOMEONE could have designed..... the answer would be different.

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